SPONTANEOUS PNEUMOTHORAX SECONDARY BRONCHIAL CARCINOMA. Bronşiyal karsinomaya bağlı spontan pnömotoraks olgusu.
Bronchial carcinoma,spontaneous pneumothorax, and emergencyAbstract
Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in people with a wide variety of pulmonary pathologyespecially in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bullous emphysema, bronchial asthma, congenital cysts, malignancies, interstitial fibrosis, pneumonia and cysticfibrosis. Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition due to underlying chronic pulmonary pathology and commonly seen in elderly patients. In this case we want to remind possibility of underlying pulmonary malignancy with pneumothorax in an elderly patient.
Sekonders pontan pnömotoraks büllöz anfizem, konjenital kist, tümörler, interstisiyel fibrozis, pnömoni ve sistik fibrozis gibi kronik obstrüktif hastalıkları takiben daha fazla görülmektedir. Sekonder spontan pnömotoraks hayatı tehdit eden bir patoloji olup yaşlılarda daha sık görülmektedir. Bu vaka nedeniyle malignitelere bağlı olarak gelişen bir olguyu irdeledik.